Let me ask you a question: have you ever known something that would have been right for you and done you a world of good, and yet, you didn’t do it?
Eh oui, me too. Cheers! Welcome to the club!
The next right thing for you to do may hover in the background for a l-o-o-o-n-g time, until someone spells it out. Since you are reading this, feeling lighter – in your home, thoughts, relationships, feelings – in your life tout court – might be the next right thing for you!
This article explores the reasons why you’ll want to lighten your load, but before we’ll dive into your WHY, let me give it to you straight: one can do the right thing for the wrong reason. There are a lot of excellent reasons to lighten your load. There are some less-than-brilliant ones.nes.
Obviously, I do believe that lightening your load and letting go of inner and outer clutter is a good idea :).
The Wrong Reasons
Do you want to impress someone other than yourself?
Do you expect things to be comfortable right from the start?
Do you also expect miracles right from the start?
Do you believe that “go big or go home” is the only approach possible?
Do you believe that you have to do it all by yourself?
Do you think you can do without a plan, help or accountability?
This list is a Who’s Who of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to changing your habits and creating more lightness. If you don’t know them all, you do know some of them from experience, n’est-ce pas?
Letting go of inner and outer clutter is life-transforming. When you set out to transform your life, you better like your reasons!
Here are 25 good reasons why you want to Lighten your Load with the help of your Home:
- You want to feel happy and proud to open the door wide to whoever rings.
- You want to know where everything is.
- You want to have much more time for your family and for yourself.
- You want to save your marriage.
- You want to find peace in your home.
- You want to make space for new thoughts, ideas and experiences.
- You want to move houses – with ease.
- You want to transform your spending habits, so you can finally get out of debt.
- You want to heal past grief, trauma and injuries.
- You want to stop having to buy things several times because you can’t find them.
- You want to stop yelling at your children, because you’re in constant stress.
- You want to feel that you own your stuff, not that your stuff owns you.
- You want to generate more income.
- You want to lose those pounds and get your health back.
- You want to gain more courage and confidence.
- You are tired of feeling tired of your way of living.
- You want to have an inspiring workspace.
- You want to spend less time cleaning and organising.
- You want to be free of the weight of unnecessary things.
- You want to gain clarity about yourself and your life.
- You want to be able to work less.
- You want to rekindle passion in your life.
- You want to feel safe and protected in your home.
- You want to be able to say No each time it feels right.
- You want to experience lightness.
What do you think? Have you been nodding through this list? Do you feel that at least one of these reasons is worth exploring?
Then you are wholeheartedly invited to join us at “Lighten your Load“. This is a practical, 5 day, free online workshop, where I’ll be so happy to guide you through short, but surprisingly powerful exercises.
At the end of those 5 days you’ll know how lightness feels, you’ll be crystal clear on what to let go in your home – and your life and you’ll be energised and inspired to make it happen!
I’ll see you inside!