The Elegant Alchemy Summer School
ACCOMPLISHED!Get your unfinished business done.
Four weeks at a time.
Do you feel that it is time for a fresh start?
Do you feel that it is time to step up?
Do you feel that it is finally time to make it happen?
- To write your book
- To organise your office
- To fit into your beautiful dress
- To get clarity about your relationship
- To create a home you are proud of
- To start your podcast
- To create your business
- To declutter the attic
- To create that one habit
- To start your dream job

What is standing between you and your best life?

Do you know exactly what your next step needs to be in order to have the success you want and need – but you are afraid to take that next step?

Do you NOT feel ready yet? (Spoiler Alert: you never will). The vision of your dream is so promising and you want to do it justice. And thus you believe that you need just a bit more time/information/education/money/support to get it done… ?

Do you tell yourself that finishing that unfinished business is not so important, because after all, it is just … (fill in yours).

Do you know exactly what your next step needs to be in order to have the success you want and need – but you are afraid to take that next step?

Do you NOT feel ready yet? (Spoiler Alert: you never will). The vision of your dream is so promising and you want to do it justice. And thus you believe that you need just a bit more time/information/education/money/support to get it done… ?

Do you tell yourself that finishing that unfinished business is not so important, because after all, it is just … (fill in yours).
What is the price you pay for your unfinished business?
- How do you feel when you think of that unfinished business?
- What are the dreams that are eternally on the back burner, because you need to finish those loose ends first?
- How long have you been in a hamster wheel of frustration and procrastination?
Here is the thing
Anything unfinished clutters your path towards yourself, your dreams, your potential, your future, your success.
Everything you accomplish, on the other hand, creates FREEDOM.
Your power increases.
Your confidence grows and soars!
You are elated.
How does this feel to you?
This, mon amie, is what I want for you!
The right time is now
The Art of Making Things Happen
*** four weeks at a time ***

Are you tired of . . .
… not knowing where to start?
… starting things only to abandon them two weeks later?
… asking yourself how on earth you could get it all done?
… playing small?
Let’s do it in four weeks
– together!
“ACCOMPLISHED!” is a group experience where we will advance together.
You’ll benefit from . . .
Personal coaching and mentoring
Support and feedback from the group
A solid framework for your planning and actions, based on proven principles
Support (and if needed a loving kick into the derrière) from an experienced life coach
The magical energy boost that comes from combining forces
As a result of this course . . .
You become clear what to focus on (the first condition for getting anything accomplished)
You know how work smarter, not harder with the help of a clear and efficient structure
You will learn how to overcome obstacles
We’ll generously support each other to surpass the finishing line!
What Women say about
Change your Home, change your Life
“Do you want your home to be a support to the best version of your life? Would you like to identify accessible modifications in your physical environment that can change your life? Would you like to inspire and get inspired by a community of elegant alchemists? Then this course is a good idea for you.”
“This course was/is a life changer! I had been floundering in my life with several changes and a downsize/move. I lacked clarity and focus. I needed an opportunity for a fresh start and that’s EXACTLY what this course offered me! I have found my inspiration, crystal clarity and focus! Rima is kind, well-spoken, educated and inspiring…with a great sense of humor!
I HIGHLY recommend this course!!”
“I started this course with skepticism and curiosity. I thought maybe it’s like feng shui. But it goes far beyond how to work with energy in your home. It connected me with the feeling of being alive. I feel like a queen in my home after the improvements I made. If you want to change your life and you don’t know where to begin – the best start is at home.”

This group course is for you if you decide that this summer is the time to make things happen!

It is la rentrée, you are chatting with your friends on the terrasse of a café, and they ask you about that project of yours you had been groaning and moaning and planning and dreaming about.
How do you want to feel at that moment?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could say: “Oh that? Accomplished!”
Join our group of women to make it happen!

Here is what you’ll receive
The precourse: a whole module with exercises, audio guidance and even a live session to make sure that you are on track for your accomplishment!
You get access to the precourse as soon as you sign up!
4 live sessions & Q+A, where Rima will teach you the framework of Accomplished
4 live coaching sessions where you will receive input, coaching and feedback on your progress.
4 co-working sessions with Rima and the other ladies. Do you want to get done more in one hour than you usually get done in half a day? Come to the co-working sessions!
A beautiful xx pages workbook in pdf form.
A private FB group where you can connect with an international group of women, share your ideas, ask for feedback and celebrate with each other.
24/7 access to our private online membership platform with all the material and replays of all the sessions

Early Bird
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** enrollment in this course is only available for a limited time **
When does the course take place?
Our official start is on Monday, July 17th and we’ll close with a Celebration Call on Monday, August 16th.
Having said this, “Accomplished” comes with a very complete pre-course module which will be crucial for your success. This pre-course module will already be available from July 8th on! In other words: the quicker you enroll, the more time you have to work through all the pre-course material.
Our live sessions happen on Mondays and Thursdays at 8 pm CET.
How do I get access to the material?
By enrolling into the course, you will get access to Rima’s course platform. All the sessions will happen live on Zoom, the replays will be uploaded on the platform for you to (re)watch and work through at your convenience.
I can’t make it to the live sessions, can I still participate?
You can, but it would really be best if you could make it at least to some of the Thursday sessions in order to receive direct input and coaching. That’s really what a group course is all about!
What’s the difference between an online course and a group coaching?
In an online course (such as “Change Your Home, Change Your Life” for example), we all work together on the same lessons, which are released each week. In a group course, we still are together and benefit of the magic of working with like minded ladies, but each of you will work on her personal project.
I suggest that you set aside at least one hour per day to work on your project, plus about 15 minutes in the morning for your journaling and planning.
I’m tempted, but I have so much on my plate already…
Let me ask you a question: is there ever a perfect moment to make things happen? Real life happens all the time!
Having said this, if you already booked a trip to Nepal during the time of Accomplished or a similar commitment, it might not be the ideal timing! In that case please book a ‘Bonjour’ session to see what I can support you with and how.
How do I know if I am right for this course?
Do you have a project you want to begin, something unfinished you finally want to get done or a dream you want to accomplish?
Do you feel that the time is now to make it happen?
If you just said yes and yes, then you are right for this course, or better: this course is right for you!
How much time do I need to invest?
During the course count about one hour on Mondays and Thursdays for our live sessions. The rest depends entirely on your project and your personal situation.
I suggest that you set aside at least one hour per day to work on your project, plus about 15 minutes in the morning for your journaling and planning.
English is not my first language, will I still be able to follow along?
Don’t worry, English is not my Rima’s language either! The Elegant Alchemy community spans around the globe and many of us are not native English speakers. When in doubt, please ask! And to make it easier for you, all the lessons come with a written support.
Do you offer a refund?
The short answer is: No, and by signing up you declare officially that you renounce any refund. You see, this is not a dip-a-toe-into-the-water course. You need to commit. This is a course where we go all in and make it happen. I can promise you that you’ll have a ton of support, input, tools and more support. I WANT you to succeed! But in the end only you can make it happen.
I’m really interested, but I still have a few questions…
Simple: let’s talk. You want to be sure that joining this course is right for you? So do I. Let’s hop on the phone and let’s talk. You can ask me all the questions you have, no strings attached. One thing I can promise: at the end of the call, whether you decide to join or not, you will have gained something invaluable – clarity.
Book your call right here:
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*** Special € 100 Discount ***
€ 497
€ 397
Early Bird
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** enrollment in this course is only available for a limited time **