Change your Home,

Change Your Life

Inner Circle

Who will you become ?

You get to choose. Your Home can make it happen.

Are you ready to let go of the struggle and constant overwhelm?
Are you ready to stop waiting and step into action?
Are you ready to become clear on what you truly want?
Are you ready to live as your best Self?

If you are, you’re at the right place.

Are you ready to change your life?

Let’s start by changing your home!

The Elegant Alchemy Summer School


Get your unfinished business done.
Four weeks at a time.


Bonjour, mon amie!

I’m Rima Nouri, Parisienne at heart and founder of Elegant Alchemy. I’m here to take you by the hand and show you what’s possible for you – with the help of your home.

But how could your home help transform your life?

Here at Elegant Alchemy, we focus on creating a rich inner world and on cultivating an elegant outer one. Both are necessary ingredients. Your outer world mirrors who you are and shapes who you become. 

Elegant Alchemists are women who are committed to create the best of both worlds for a life well lived.

Alchemy is what we do. Elegant is how we do it.

Elegance is beauty that shows unusual effectiveness and simplicity.

Alchemy is a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.

There was a time when neither my home nor I seemed to fit these descriptions in any possible way.

I was longing for a beautiful home and a beautiful life, but it seemed completely out of reach. 

I knew that I was capable of so much more than what I was living, but I felt stuck in my everyday life. 

I wanted to create meaningful work, but I was afraid of being visible.

I wanted to have value and I wanted to feel valued, but I was tolerating behaviour from myself and others that deep down I knew was unacceptable.

I was wrought by overwhelm – and my home looked like it.

The worst part? I thought this was my normal.

So how did it all change?

It changed with my Home.

One day I was done with living in a home that was light years away from the elegant haven I dreamt of.

I became clear on the kind of home I wanted to live in and set out to create it. If I could not change my life, I could at least change my home!

Soon I noticed how the transformations in my home created transformations in my life. 

  • The better I felt about my home, the better I felt about myself. 
  • In creating step by step a home that I loved, I connected more and more to a life I loved.
  • Each time I decided what I wanted to happen in my home, the courage and energy to decide what I wanted to happen in my life became stronger.

Today my home is my favourite tool to create a life I love and to help my clients to do the same – to amazing results, such as …

  • Becoming fully organised with their home, their time, their finances.
  • Going from single to happily married with a family.
  • Quitting an unsatisfying job and starting their dream business.
  • Freeing themselves from toxic relationships.
  • Moving to their perfect home.
  • Building a business and/or negotiating a significant raise.


I’d like to invite you personally to join me at Change Your Home, Change Your Life.


You are going to experience your home and yourself like never before!

“Engage with the process and prepare to have your thoughts turned upside down! This course is different from anything else I have studied.”

For the next seven weeks you will be immersed in the Elegant Alchemy way of life with the help of your home. The most important ingredients? Your home and a vision of your ideal life. You will learn to create the kind of home for the kind of person you want to be. Your vision becomes reality – every single day.



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€ 397

What Women say about

Change your Home, change your Life

“Do you want your home to be a support to the best version of your life? Would you like to identify accessible modifications in  your physical environment that can change your life? Would you like to inspire and get inspired by a community of elegant alchemists? Then this course is a good idea for you.”

- Natacha

“This course was/is a life changer! I had been floundering in my life with several changes and a downsize/move. I lacked clarity and focus. I needed an opportunity for a fresh start and that’s EXACTLY what this course offered me! I have found my inspiration, crystal clarity and focus! Rima is kind, well spoken, educated and inspiring…with a great sense of humor!

I HIGHLY recommend this course!!”

- Bridget

“I started this course with skepticism and curiosity. I thought maybe it’s like Fengshui. But it goes far beyond how to work with energy in your home. It connected me with the feeling of being alive. I feel like a queen in my home after the improvements I made. If you want to change your life and you don’t know where to begin – the best start is at home.”

- Petra