I want to tell you a story about Marie: a long-time client of mine and an elegant alchemist who made the impossible happen. (And the personal challenge I was inspired to set for myself as a result–more on that in second.)
I have known Marie (not her real name, of course) for quite a while now, worked on and off with her over the years, and always admired how, with a very sweet disposition and being highly sensitive, she managed to overcome some very difficult challenges. Each time we worked together I was confident that she was going to head out to the world and get exactly what she wanted.
But this time I wasn’t so sure: Marie is an executive in a VERY demanding and VERY conservative company, complete with a macho boss and a corporate culture that is really unforgiving if you don’t toe the line.
She is also the mother of a beautiful little girl and was suffering deeply as a result of having to comply with working hours and expectations that hardly let her see her child during the week. She was looking for a way out and it quickly became clear that her ideal solution was also by far the most improbable one: change her full-time job to part-time so that she could leave everyday at 4 pm to pick up her daughter from daycare.
Now this looked good on paper, but it seemed impossible. In this company NO WAY they’ll allow you to leave early every day!
(These work hours are very common in Scandinavia for instance, but in France they are unheard of in the kind of industry Marie is working in. I think her boss would rather have performed a lap dance for all the female employees than to allow such a revolutionary change of corporate culture!)
So admittedly I was not over-confident when we started to work on how to best approach this. Usually I trust in my clients way more than they trust in themselves, because I can see a window where they often only see only a wall, but this time the wall seemed pretty solid.But we were both determined to find a solution. During our coaching conversations we brainstormed her options, and Marie began to take little steps towards her goal: she practised how to communicate with her superiors, how to prepare herself for possible hostile reactions, how to take better care of herself and how to replenish her energy, which allowed her to listen and to accept what her heart desired (working part time), even if it was unique and seemed to fly into the face of conventionality.
With each small step she became clearer.
During our work she really gave it her all which was all the more remarkable as the hope of getting what she really wanted was slim to say the least, and she knew it.
Imagine my elation when I got her email telling me that she made it happen! Honestly, I was speechless! Of all my friends (yes, I asked them), not ONE had heard of someone achieving this kind of bespoke solution in this kind of industry! It’s really nothing short of a miracle.
I was so impressed.

This success story kindled the fire for an idea I’ve had for a while, something very close to my heart: I want to really know what’s stopping women from changing their life. And I want to show them how it’s possible to turn it – whatever it is – around. Because as Marie taught me, nothing is impossible.
My passion for my work stems from a deep desire to understand people and a love of create pathways to elegant solutions – particularly for women. It’s what I love and do best.
So this is my personal challenge: I want to have 50 (oui, 50) conversations with women who are ready to change their life.
50 one-hour coaching calls to talk about whatever is your barrier to changing your life (and of course I’ll help you to work through that in this call).
No sales pitch. No hustle. Just you + me working through what stops you.
Why this personal challenge, you ask? Don’t I have enough to do? Lord, yes!
But I know in my bones that to move MY practice forward and make the difference I know I can, I need to better understand what’s stopping women from changing their life. I want to prove to them that change IS possible.
Before the Summer Solstice on June 21st, I want to connect with 50 women. Will you be one of them? Simply hit reply or schedule your appointment directly.
PS: To make things perfectly clear: this is totally free. These are NOT sales calls. You are not under the obligation to buy anything and you won’t be sold to! But you DO need to come in with a deep and true desire to transform your life and a willingness to embark on that journey together. |
Dear Rima
How do you do this? Finding time and especially for something that YOU WANT? I was curious to find out about this magic recipe. When Rima coaches you, something incredible and hard to describe happens. She asks a few, well placed questions and there you are, right at your truth. It was truly magic moment when I could feel what I want (where did that surface from so quickly?!) and realised that I had all the resources to do it. Even the patience to take it step by step. Thank you, Rima! You do magic.
I’d love to take part. I love Alchemy!
I’d love to take part. I love Alchemy!
Count me in love!
Wow Rima what an opportunity to connect with my self and with you again. Count me in. Hope there is still a spot 🙂 You are sooooo wonderful