Are you feeling punished or frustrated by the increasingly tight Corona restrictions? When at the beginning of the year we all hoped that ‘this’ would be over soon, we now know better.
If you feel that ‘thrive’ and ‘Corona restrictions’ don’t even belong into the same phrase, this episode is for you.
Right now, here in France we are in a complete lock down again, meaning that you can’t as much as leave the house for grocery shopping without a certificate. But when the announcement that there would be a complete lock down finally came… the first thing that sprang to my mind was ‘What can I do now that I couldn’t do before?’
Here’s the thing: when things are good or even just normal, we get away with not taking the best care of ourselves, our time, our home, our bodies, our relationships (starting with the relationship we have with ourselves). There is wriggling room. Although we know that some areas of our life are not (yet) as we wish them to be, we can keep ourselves busy or distracted or entertained enough to push that away for ‘later’.
Join me on the podcast this week to discover why the current Corona restrictions are like a burning glass to get us into inspired action, and how you can leverage elegance to not only navigate, but actually make the best out of those times: finding out what they enable you to do which you wouldn’t have done otherwise, turning the obstacles that we’re all facing into opportunities.
It’s about more than just surviving, it’s about living elegantly – even during difficult times.
This podcast is a special edition, in fact a live workshop I facilitated. Please follow along, have pen and paper ready and have a go at the answers to the coaching questions I ask. If you like it, please let me know, I’d be delighted to send you the full replay or keep you updated of upcoming workshops.
You are going to discover
- The true meaning of elegance
- How to simplify your life
- Find out how good is good enough
- How to focus on the things that really make difference
- What you can do to become really efficient
- The role that beauty and your relationship to yourself will play in helping you thrive (through Corona and beyond)
Do you enjoy the Elegant Alchemy podcast? Then please share, mon amie and leave us a review on your favourite podcast app!
Liebe Rima,
Wie geht es Dir? Ich hoffe, dass es Dir in diesen besonderen Zeiten möglichst gut geht. Ich möchte mich ganz herzlich für das sehr interessante Webinar bedanken. Du hast das super gemacht. Es hat mir wirklich gut getan. Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin alles Gute und vor allem ganz gute Gesundheit – und hoffentlich bis bald wieder einmal.
Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Thank you so much, Manuela! Hope to see you soon again – at least virtually! Have a beautiful time!