by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life
Did you ever have a project you were passionate about? You planned everything, lovingly took care of allthe details, made sure that all the t’s were crossed and all the i’s dotted, and then the phone rings… That’s what’s happened to me today. I’m moving houses...
by Rima Nouri | Style Your Living
What’s happening in our homes corresponds to what’s happening in our lives. By and now this simple truth has made it into most people’s awareness. Not that we don’t try to ignore it, at times. Or that we try to hide our homes from the...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life
Long before my coaching days I attended a seminar for women facilitated by Denise Linn. One young woman listened with growing impatience to Denise’s talk and finally burst out defiantly: “You make it all sound so easy – but I have problem x, y and z to deal...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life
The people and things we mostly want to influence are usually the ones we can’t influence at all: babies, teenagers and the person on the hotline for our technical problem come to mind. As to the things we can’t influence, TIME is of course on top of the...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life
When I took the metro for the first time, 25 years ago, I was giddy with excitement. Everything was romantic. This very special Parisian metro smell, the way the trains came rattling into the station, and then the names of the stations! My phantasy went spinning:...