by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life
You had thought about it for a long time or it came as a sudden inspiration: things are going to change. You’ll take the leap. You are going to do something different. You are excited, a bit scared, too, but your soul sings at the prospect of feeling alive in a new...
by Rima Nouri | Style Your Living
– Do you dream of making the world in general and your life in particular more beautiful, one room at a time? – Do you feel that if only you could get that desk organized, your career would soar; or that streamlining your closet would be the fastest...
by Rima Nouri | The Magic of Simple Luxuries
Most of us would like to be elegant or more elegant, preferably effortless. What is elegance? Now, of course, elegance is in the eye of the beholder. For some Audrey Hepburn will be the epitome of elegance, for others Lady Gaga, or their grandmother. Personally I find...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life, Style Your Living
Recently we had an animated discussion in our Facebook group* about my upcoming program #MySpaceFirst and about the energetic blueprint and the influence of all the things we surround ourselves with. Naturally, clutter and clutter clearing were part of...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life
You knew that the only right answer was saying No. You had thought it through and evaluated all the options. Or you had a clear gut feeling. This was a red-velvet-rope-no-one-passes moment. So you said what you hoped to be a loud and clear “No”: No, you were not...