by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life
Recently I had an appointment in a yet unknown place and was circling around to find a parking space. As I found one and was preparing to get in, a man started to gesticulate, to yell, to roll his eyes and make angry faces, and to signal in every possible...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life
When I was working in opera, no one gave a fig about being in the “mood” for getting out on stage and – hopefully – doing something worth the name “music”. With 900 people waiting in their seats for the curtain to rise and an irascible conductor in...
by Rima Nouri | Style Your Living
What happens if you keep a glass jar full of candy on your desk? Unless you are a genetically altered person or a yogi about to dissolve into enlightenment, you will eventually eat the candy. The whole jar of it. This is because you see the jar all the time....
by Rima Nouri | Style Your Living
One question my clients hear a lot when we explore what they want to accomplish is “What difference would you notice?” Almost invariably “I’d feel lighter” is part of the answer. So, in lieu of a new year’s resolution, here’s something to make you feel lighter:...
by Rima Nouri | Style Your Living
Welcome to the third and last part of “Your wardrobe as your Life Coach”. It is fascinating and truly amusing how much our closets are a carbon copy of what is going on in our lives! In Part 1 we discussed how to organise your wardrobe and how to keep it...