by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life
Every morning, I wake up looking fresh faced and impeccably coiffed, like I just stepped out of a salon de beauté. I float out of bed in my silk nightgown and do a series of carefully curated yoga poses before draping myself in an armchair to delicately...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life
By definition an adventure is an enterprise where you don’t know what will happen. The 50 Conversations certainly were an adventure. When I set out to talk to 50 women about what was blocking them mostly in life, I did not know if I would actually find 50...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life, Style Your Living
Every now and then I write a blog post that triggers an avalanche of emails. Last week’s list of 39 energy drains filled my inbox with: “OMG, I have everything/half of it/at least ten/at least five of the points on this list. Help!” First things first: everyone...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life, Style Your Living
Do you know this feeling? You come back from vacation, having spent some weeks in a different state, country or even continent. And as you enter your house, it looks so different or rather you look at it with new eyes: Suddenly you are aware of the beauty of...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life, The Magic of Simple Luxuries
We first had met via the pages of a magazine. The coup de foudre was instantaneous. A tiny photo of a mug, from a china series called “Incorrigible”, that was all there was and that was all needed to get me hooked. Simplicity, elegance, fluidity and movement...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life, The Magic of Simple Luxuries
Inspired by one of my clients, I had decided upon my personal challenge: until midsummer I will have 50 conversations with women about what is blocking them to design their lives they way they want to (you can read the whole story here). I was really excited about...