“The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today. You are arranging what is in Fortune’s control and abandoning what lies in yours.” Seneca
Seneca wrote this about 2000 years ago, which proves that humans haven’t fundamentally changed ;). His is an elegant way to say: “Stop playing the waiting game!”
What are we all waiting for? Currently the answer might be: “The end of Corona or at least Corona restrictions”, but this is just a smokescreen. We always seem to be waiting for something to happen, so that we can do what we really want to do. At least, this is the story we are telling ourselves.
“When I’ll have lost the weight/gotten a degree/taken a course/be married/be divorced/changed the job/paid of the mortgage, THEN…”
The trap here is that there is of course nothing wrong with getting a degree, being in a right-sized body, pay off the mortgage or take a creating writing course. But:
All these, mes chéries, serve you as excuses!
Whenever a woman is trapped in the waiting game, it’s almost always linked to the fear of stepping out and show herself to the world and to claim her space.
The real reason behind all this waiting is: when I’ll find the courage.
How do you find the courage?
Thing is: you don’t find the courage when you wait. When you wait, you find excuses.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
- Why do we passively wait?
- What women tell themselves about waiting until the ‘right time’
- The excuses we put in the way of our goals
- How to find courage and push forward
- How to learn the story you have in your head – and outsmart it
- The importance of decoupling yourself from failure
- How to jump ahead and take action
Resources mentioned in the podcast: 7 excuses for not accomplishing things
Lovely podcast Rima. I am conscious that I always need to ‘step out of the way of myself’ to move forward. When I was at ITV my job was to broadcast live announcements to the whole of the UK, One of the ways not to get nervous, was to re frame my purpose. I told myself I have a duty to the audience to inform them rather than be self conscious ie conscious of myself. Challenging myself is also something I grab onto but as long as it doesn’t scare me to totally freeze up!!