by Rima Nouri | Style Your Living, The Magic of Simple Luxuries
The official start of summer is June 21st. The REAL start of summer, here in Paris at least, is July 14th. After the parade and the fireworks people leave for the sea or for their maison de famille. Each conversation begins with “So, where do you go for the...
by Rima Nouri | Style Your Living
I want to tell you a story about Marie: a long-time client of mine and an elegant alchemist who made the impossible happen. (And the personal challenge I was inspired to set for myself as a result–more on that in second.) I have known Marie (not her real name,...
by Rima Nouri | Cultivate Your Life, Style Your Living
“To speak of home in relation to a building is simply to recognise its harmony with our own prized internal song.” Alain de Botton, The Architecture of Happiness Our own internal song. I believe this is who we want to be and how we want to feel. So when you open the...
by Rima Nouri | Style Your Living
Here’s what I know: embracing your inner elegant woman will change your life. (And you don’t have to spend thousands on a designer wardrobe, sweat your way to a size 2 or quit your job to do it.) Here’s what I also know: whilst our inner world shapes our outer...
by Rima Nouri | Style Your Living, The Magic of Simple Luxuries
Recently I was sitting in a friend’s kitchen, we chatted, drank one of her fantastic herbal tea mixtures and the conversation drifted to our younger selves. Looking back half fondly, half embarrassed, I shared how at times I was so disorganised that the floor of my...
by Rima Nouri | Style Your Living, The Magic of Simple Luxuries
Last week I was early for a meeting near the luxurious Avenue Montaigne in Paris, and so I took a stroll, enjoying the summery displays in the windows of Chanel et al. on this grey February day. Everywhere people were carrying shopping bags with the logos of this...