by Rima Nouri | Elegant Life
When I asked my community of Elegant Alchemists for feedback on where they currently were in their lives, many of the ladies shared the same feelings of overwhelm, stuck-ness, ennui or fatigue, too much to do, not knowing where to start… And from having worked...
by Rima Nouri | Elegant Life
September, la rentrée and the start of a new normal are around the corner. As people start to look at the coming months, there is one question that will soon show up in your feed, in conversations with friends or in meetings at work: what is going to happen until the...
by Rima Nouri | Elegant Life
Let me ask you a question: have you ever known something that would have been right for you and done you a world of good, and yet, you didn’t do it? Eh oui, me too. Cheers! Welcome to the club! The next right thing for you to do may hover in the background for a...
by Rima Nouri | Elegant Life
Half of the planet’s population is confined to their homes right now. So are you. And when you have nowhere to go, it’s so easy to just roll out of bed, throw on ‘something’ (or not!), down some coffee and schlump through your day with Netflix in...
by Rima Nouri | Elegant Life
We are experiencing times that are as fascinating as they are uncertain and challenging. Country by country is putting people into quarantine, and all of a sudden the role our homes play in our lives has been catapulted to the forefront! The best thing (whether...
by Rima Nouri | Elegant Life
I remember the scene, about 20 years ago. We were with a couple of friends, and one lady had just shared how bad she felt about her child being verbally abused by a horrible first grade teacher, and how she felt completely helpless, not daring to do...