Your Wardrobe as Your Life Coach (part 2)

Your Wardrobe as Your Life Coach (part 2)

  A woman's closet mirrors her life. 4. The Hanger conundrum: what happens when you stuff 3 shirts on one hanger? - They will crease, all three of them. - You’ll probably use only the first one. - You’ll tell yourself that “soon” you’re going to weed out your...

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Your Wardrobe as your Life Coach (Part 1)

Your Wardrobe as your Life Coach (Part 1)

    Imagine you visit the house of a woman you don’t know and you sneak a peek into her closet. You will at the first glance be able to tell a lot of what is going on in this woman’s life. Let’s have a look, shall we? 1. A Place for Everything Do you keep...

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The Yeahbut Ping-Pong

The Yeahbut Ping-Pong

The other day I had to laugh at myself. I’m constantly pointing out to my clients when they do this, and here I was, diving in myself: “Yeah Butting”. You know this game? It’s so not sexy! People who “yeah but” greet every happy remark, every sincere compliment,...

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A sneak Peek into Clients’ Heads

A sneak Peek into Clients’ Heads

    ‘So – what is going to happen now?’ Each time a new client starts to work with me, I’m impressed. It takes such generosity, trust and courage to invite a relatively unfamiliar person into your life to accompany you during a journey into the unknown. You...

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I bet you are doing it too

I bet you are doing it too

    When I closed my laptop on Friday night and put down the phone, I had just spent the week in the company of very smart women. They are successful executives, doctors, artists, and academics. They make things happen. They manage a career, take care of...

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Are You an Industrious Procrastinator?

Are You an Industrious Procrastinator?

  “Procrastination is finding the most difficult way of doing something.” Jonny Kelly   The one thing most people would not call me is lazy. They see me taking care of my children, working with my clients, studying, bustling around the house, sending out...

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The Best Thing to do for Yourself

The Best Thing to do for Yourself

  Now that the rentrée in France, or the end of summer in North America is upon us again, the hustle and bustle of school, projects, appointments and commitments is starting again. I feel a need to preach about what I believe to be possibly the most important...

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What’s Your Magical Moment?

What’s Your Magical Moment?

  It’s summertime and we are nearing the end of two months summer break. The usual rhythm has slowed down, the house is full with all three children at home. Working from home makes it easier to pick out the best time to get things done and to organise my days...

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